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Science Quiz : Beginner level
What is the Milky Way?
What is the largest planet in our solar system?
How fast is sound?
What is the big bang?
All organisms are terrestrial.
How is heat transferred in a vacuum?

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Science Quiz : Intermediate level
What is the Virgo Supercluster?
What is the fastest particle in our solar system?
How fast is light in a vacuum?
What is the formula for a sodium chloride molecule?
There was a time when time itself was meaningless.
What is psychokenesis?

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Science Quiz : Advanced level
Hypothetically, what are Tachyons?
When were white holes discovered?
What is a parallel universe?
What is the name of the supermassive black hole in the centre of our galaxy?
What is TON 618?
What is the outskirt of the Solar system?

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